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Being an Expert Isn’t Enough

What Do You Mean, Being an Expert Isn’t Enough?

Consider Albert Einstein, one of the foremost authorities in advanced physics since Isaac Newton. You may think that his discoveries and calculations were the most difficult aspect of his work, and there’s no doubt his discoveries were groundbreaking. But if he couldn’t communicate his ideas to others, they would have remained undiscovered.

As a result, he developed analogies to explain his complex theories. Regarding how time worked in his theory of relativity, he famously said, “If you spend an hour with a loved one, it seems like just a second. But place your hand on a hot surface for a second, and it seems like an hour.” So it is with business.

How Is Business Like Albert Einstein?

Being an expert in your field isn’t enough to make your business successful. You need to be able to communicate your expertise in a way that your intended audience can understand. You have to be able to market your products or services the same way Einstein explained his theories. But this dilemma brings up a number of questions:

The list goes on and on. It means that being an expert isn’t enough to reach your audience. You have to give them what they’re looking for, in a language and style they can understand. You have to help them understand why you and your business — your great idea or new theory — is so important to them.

How Can I Reach My Audience?

It’s a good question, for which there’s no easy answer. To increase your odds of being successful, stop being the expert and become the audience you’re trying to reach. If you can answer the above questions, you’re closer to your goal. You can also try creating one or more personas to get closer to your target audience.

At Ray Access, our writers and editors do the research to discover what your audience is seeking. We answer questions in your website content — questions your visitors are asking. We can do that because we’re not the expert; in other words, we’re not coming from the point of expertise. We are the conduits between you, the expert, and your audience by providing:

How Can I Be More Like Albert Einstein?

Einstein’s theory of communication, his trick for explaining complex ideas, was to stop being an expert and boil down difficult topics to their essence. The idea that time can bend, speed up or slow down is mind-bending for most people. But creating the analogy about how people perceive time helps them come to grips with at least this one aspect of his theory.

Using analogies works on many levels, if you can find the right one. But you’re an expert in your field, not an expert in communication. That’s where Ray Access can help you, the expert. Once we understand what you’re trying to say, we can help you find that analogy or example or explanation that more clearly communicates your value in business. Contact us today!

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.

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