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Why Web Developers Shouldn’t Ignore Social Media

Small Businesses Need to Promote Themselves

If you think your business is immune from social media, think again. Companies that ignore social media do so at their own peril. And that includes website developers — whether your business is a booming agency or a small one-person operation.

Despite the recent privacy issues hovering over a certain social media platform, social media in general is gaining traction in the global population. That makes it a prime target for marketing and building brand awareness. Companies that ignore social media don’t take advantage of these possibilities.

People Are Active on Social Media

As a web developer, your clients are most likely other businesses. That’s a broad spectrum, so maybe you target a specific niche:

You know whom you’re trying to attract. You should know, therefore, where you can find those decision-makers so you can reach out to them. Since most people spend some part of their day or week on social media, find the right channel and broadcast your message!

Marketing Requires Full Coverage

Companies that ignore social media aren’t reaching millions of potential customers. Physical marketing — on a billboard, in a newspaper or on your vehicle — only reach those people, including business owners, who see it. Unless your business only works with local companies, you’re missing a huge segment of the population.

There are few places to market to a national — or international — clientele outside of the internet. Few people read industry magazines anymore, and if they do, it’s online. Referrals still work as the number one way to land new business, but even that often takes place through social media sites! Effective marketing, as you likely know, requires reaching out on multiple channels. In other words, you must advertise not just through blog posts on your website, but on social media too.

People who buy your services need to see your company name three times or more before it sticks. Multiple channels increase your odds. So, don’t emulate companies that ignore social media and the value it can bring. It’s time to embrace social media.

How to Reach Your Social Media Audience

Business owners, marketing directors and other decision makers for the businesses you target as potential clients are online and on social media. It’s up to you to find them. Several examples to help guide you to the most appropriate platform include:

Try your hand in your chosen platform. Be consistent. Post interesting and relevant content. Link back to your website. Engage, direct and share. By avoiding the tactics of companies that ignore social media, you can gain an advantage. Good luck!

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.

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