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How to Write from Your Heart to Touch Readers

The heart knows more than you may give it credit for. You’ve often heard expressions like “the heart knows what it wants” and “the heart wants what it wants.” These sentiments usually are spoken when referring to romantic affairs of the heart, not about how to write.

But if you consider the strength of your convictions as valuable when it comes to your love life, why in the world can’t you trust that same heartfelt intuition to serve you just as well as when you create? Intuition is one of the greatest powers human have. When you learn how to tap into that well of knowledge, you’ll realize that you can learn how to write like a pro.

Stop Thinking

Thinking certainly has its place in polite society. You may have a reason to ponder the miracles of the universe, how the human body works and why some people are mean. And it’s been proven that negative thinking often plays itself out in the grand scheme, leading to less-than-desirable consequences. Positive thinking, on the other hand, often delivers in favorable results.

But neither positive nor negative thinking helps you learn how to write. If you buy into the negative notion that you’ll never be able to write, you won’t. Conversely, if you put positive vibes toward the truth that you too can write and write well, it may not lead you to inspiration. So when it comes to writing, it’s time to take off the thinking cap and just listen.

Intuit It defines intuition as: “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.” Since intuition sits below the threshold of your consciousness, thinking may only get in the way of understanding what you already know. And writing is one of those communication methods that’s ingrained into your subconscious from the time you learn the alphabet.

Consider how you read when thinking about how to write. Just as you don’t need to spell out each word and access some inner dictionary as you read this page, you don’t need to analyze each word, thought, idea and concept as it leaves your fingertips. Whether you use a keyboard, a pen or a speech-recognition program, the process of writing can move just as smoothly as the subconscious process you use to read!

Let It Flow

After talking to countless intelligent people who say they would rather dig a ditch in the middle of summer rather than write a 500-word blog post, we are convinced that thinking can only get in your way when it comes to writing. So how exactly does it work? Follow these simple steps and you too will be able to knock out 500 words with ease:

How to Write Now

By kicking out all the barriers to your writing project — including your intrusive judgements — the words flow. At Ray Access, we often hire smart, intellectually stimulated writers. And we can always tell when they’re thinking too much. It makes their writing disjointed or convoluted. When they get out of the way and have an intimate conversation about what they’ve learned though their research, the words flow over the page.

And when the words flow smoothly during the writing process, those same words flow smoothly into the reader’s brain. Write the first words that come out of your fingers; there’s a good chance that it’s the right word more often than not. And when it’s not, you’ll discover any flaws in word usage or intent during the edit. Remember:

“Editors think, writers intuit.”

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.

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