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How to Work from Home and Stay Healthy

6 Tips to Maintain Your Health and Sanity

More and more people are working from home these days. Will office buildings ever get back to normal? Certainly not until a COVID-19 vaccine is available and widely distributed. In the meantime, in this new reality, those who work from home are searching for tips to stay healthy. Ray Access has you covered with some timely and relevant work-from-home tips:

1. Don’t Forget to Breathe

This one seems like a no-brainer. You can’t forget to breathe without passing out. The truth is that breathing easy and deep is the key to staying healthy. When you’re tense, your breath changes, becoming more irregular and shallower. Take time during your day to focus on your breath. And just take some deep breaths.

2. Eat Right

Tips for health always seem to return to your diet. For good reason, as what you put into your body — as well as how much you eat — makes as big a difference to your health as the exercise you get. When you work from home, it’s also easy to eat at your desk while you continue to work. Take time to eat, away from your desk. And make a nice meal that includes all the food groups, including fresh fruit and vegetables.

3. Get Up, Get Out

This is one you probably already know: get up and stretch periodically. The rule is not to sit for longer than an hour. Stand, stretch and walk around, even if it’s just around the room. If possible, get outside and walk around in the sunshine. Wear a mask if you have to, but walking outside provides a terrific break from your in-home office when you work from home.

4. Mind Your Posture

While it helps to have a proper work chair for your home office, even the best chair can’t stop you from slouching now and again. It’s on you to be mindful of your posture when you’re sitting at your desk. More than that, watch your posture all the time: when you’re standing, walking, seated at the dinner table. The more you can maintain a proper posture, the more likely you’ll avoid back and spine issues.

5. Focus Your Mind

No matter what you do, do it with intention, and you’ll accomplish more than you realized you could. Before you sit down at your desk when you work from home, decide on your goals for the day. Put off email, news and the crossword — whatever you do for fun — until after you’ve accomplished your goals for the day. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted, but also realize that this focus takes time to integrate. If you can’t stop losing focus as you first start this intentional practice, don’t be too hard on yourself.

6. Treasure and Nurture Your Relationships

Life isn’t all work and no play. As hard as you work when you work from home, you need to give yourself time off. It’s easy to keep working when your office is in your home, but it’s destructive behavior. Set your time off on your calendar if you have to, and use that time to spend with your family, your pets, your close friends —whoever’s inside your COVID-19 bubble. This will keep you healthy and sane.

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