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No Sales = No Business

Sales Techniques Every Small Business Needs

So you’ve finally taken the leap and stepped out on your own. You’re great at building engaging websites, creating stunning graphics, building beautiful surfboards, writing, sewing, fixing… you fill in the blank. But are you good at sales?

You’re following your bliss and that dream state certainly doesn’t include knocking on doors and asking for business. If you’re like most small business owners, you probably didn’t give much thought to learning:

No Way Around It

Maybe you think of used cars or insurance when you think of sales techniques, something distasteful that’s definitely not cool or anywhere on your radar. But unless you have a product that is so hot that everyone is scrambling to find out where they can get it, you’re going to have to tackle the sales issue. There’s no way around it if you want to stay in business.

Even with the next greatest idea, if no one is selling it, your business is going nowhere. And as the maxim states: a business that’s not moving forward is actually moving backward. Ideally, you can hire an outstanding salesperson who can persuade customers to buy what you’re selling.

But for most small start-ups and one- or two-man shows, you are it. You’re the floor sweeper, receptionist, marketing pro, web writer, bookkeeper, salesperson and, oh yeah: the main person who does the service or creates the product.

Sales Techniques for Dummies

After taking a few sales tips from those in the know, we’ve plucked the best to share with you. So here are a few sales techniques to master. If you’re really passionate about your service or product and want to spread the word, you’ll enjoy learning these techniques to sell more.

  1. Ask for Referrals
    This is by far one of the least intrusive and most underused of all the sales techniques you can learn. A referral is better than any advertising, public relations or marketing you could imagine. When someone loves your work, ask for a referral. Just come out and say, “Do you know anyone else who would like our product/service?” What’s the worst thing that could happen? They could say, No.

  2. Identify a Need
    Remember that sales techniques are not about you. You may feel passionate about the service or product that you can deliver. You may get all pumped up when talking about it. But while your enthusiasm may be entertaining (even contagious), your listeners — potential clients and referrals — can’t get worked up about it unless you first illustrate what’s in it for them. Answer the question about why should they care even before you start thinking about what you can deliver.

  3. Find Out What Makes Your Customers Tick
    After you learn to get out of the way of the sales process, the next thing to do is find out what hot button gets your prospects revved up so they want to know more. Is it saving time, making more money, finding good employees, seeing pretty colors or being environmental consciousness? Everyone has a button and once you find it, you’ve got to be brave and push it. This sales technique only works if you are prepared to ask questions and then listen closely for the trigger that needs pushing.

  4. Call on Real Prospects
    Whether you’re trying to sell your idea to investors, aiming to recruit the best talent or gunning for new clients, you need to spend your time on potential calls with those are ready for your pitch. They must be in a place where they can help you, either by funding you, working for you or buying your product or service. Pick a region or an industry and become an expert. Instead of just flinging spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks, focus your cold calling to make it more like warm calling or even better — hot calling.

Do your research before hitting the proverbial pavement. It takes more than dumb luck and the latest sales techniques to grow your business profitably. It takes:

These sales techniques can work for as well for you as it’s worked for Ray Access. We expect nothing in return for sharing this information, but if you found it valuable, consider sharing it. (In other words, refer this article to your friends who might also benefit from it.)

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.

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