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Spring Writing Tips

After Hunkering Down for Winter, Get Inspired!

Just as big bears come out of hibernation in the spring, so too can writers take advantage of some writing tips based on the re-awakening that occurs in the blossoming season. Stretch your joints … and your imagination. Pick the daffodils that bloom first in spring and set them on your desk to encourage bright new ideas.

Whether you’re writing your weekly business blog, updating your website with fresh copy or journaling to keep the creative juices flowing, you can benefit from spring writing tips that take you out of the doldrums of winter and into a new season filled with possibilities — including new ways to increase sales with innovative marketing copy.

Why Write in the First Place?

You may be one of the forward-thinking business owners who’s incorporated writing tips from the pros, like those at Ray Access, or left the writing to those very same professionals. But even if you’re not the author of your marvelous weekly blogs, you can benefit from spring writing tips.

Whether you just want to add a snippet to your daily Tweet or post a Facebook meme designed to bring in new business, you need fresh ideas that always include words. (Search engine algorithms, after all, can’t see graphics.) And even if you have your monthly newsletter written professionally, there’s nothing stopping you from a sending a personal email to your loyal customers on a regular basis.

Deep Patel, author of A Paperboy’s Fable: The 11 Principles of Success, writes in Entrepreneur that “a clever and inventive mind opens doors to success.” And creativity is tantamount to innovation. Writing in a journal every day is one of the easiest ways to open pathways of creativity that may actually illuminate other areas of your mind to construct better products and services within your own specialty realm.

10 Spring Writing Tips to Get You Started

So here’s what you need to know to get started. You don’t need to pen a novel or even let anyone else read your writing for it to effectively jump-start your left brain creative process. Just try some of these 10 tips:

  1. Let it go and let it flow. Release all preconceived notions of what you think is good writing. Be like the Nike pronouncement and just do it. Try a little self-hypnosis and don’t even read as you let words flow onto the page. You always can edit later.
  2. Reserve judgment. Put the critic aside. These writing tips also stress expelling the word “should” from your vocabulary. So quit “shoulding” on yourself. “Should” has no place in the creative process.
  3. Look at art. While your mother-inspired judgment is turned off, look at a piece of art or visit an art museum. Allow some creativity to come in through your eyes.
  4. Visit Mother Nature. She has no judgment. Walk through the woods, stroll on the beach or just sit in your yard taking in the sounds, sights and smells of the ultimate creator. This is an especially powerful exercise for springtime writing that may have gotten all stuffy and closed staying indoors all winter.
  5. Listen for a note. Music and the lyrics bound together within chords carry so many layers of inspiration that it can be difficult to sort through it all. So don’t. Just let the music stir your soul and then turn to your pen or keyboard and allow the flow to ease through your fingertips.
  6. Work out. Some of your sleepiness and foggy thoughts get expelled through your sweat when you exercise rigorously. Whether you’re a runner or like to follow a particularly rambunctious dance instructor, get sweating. Physical attention takes your mind off mental obsession to make way for new ideas.
  7. Read. One creed that all writers live by is “writers read.” Pick up a new genre that you don’t normally read, like a national magazine or a science fiction novel. Just seeing words in new places jogs loose your own unsaid words.
  8. Change your scenery. Just like a vacation in an exotic locale refreshes your mind and body, writing in a new place can refresh your creative spirit. Take your laptop to a coffee shop if you normally write at home. Or rent a room with a view in a mountaintop motel for a fresh splash of inspired writing.
  9. Brainstorm. Brainstorming — just letting ideas flow — is another one of those writing tips that needs to be done with no judgment. Even if the words seem disparate and irrelevant to your goal, let them flow. When you go back and read them, you may be surprised at what came out during the session.
  10. Clean your room. This isn’t mother talking. Instead, it’s the wise Chinese masters of feng shui who say that a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind. Straighten up your writing area so that it’s orderly and clean. Creative energy prefers to land in a place that shines with good intentions and deliberate invitations.

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.

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