
We’ve Been Called Fashionable… and Worse

A good tie choice... or a Rorschach tie?

A good tie choice… or a Rorschach tie?

First, we want to warn you that this article represents our personal opinions. We may well be wrong, given the constantly changing fashion trends, but we’re good at what we do, we think we know what works, and gosh darn it, people like us.

While we’re on the subject, let us state for the record that we are not staid, conservative types. We like color. We like fashion-forward trends. Other writers have even called us fashionable, although it’s debatable if that’s an accolade or something we should keep to ourselves. But we’ve been professionals for many years now, and we understand what’s appropriate for certain occasions.

Dressing for Success

If you want to make a positive first impression, whether you’re meeting a client or attending a networking meeting, dress appropriately. That doesn’t always mean wearing a suit and tie (for men) or a formal dress (for women). But if you have to dress up, make sure your tie doesn’t scream to people to avoid you.

Not everyone can wear a bowtie... or a false nose.

Not everyone can wear a bowtie… or a false nose.

Your tie, believe it or not, tells people a lot about you. You don’t have to regress to those outdated alternating diagonal slants of color, but leave the Gustav Klimt print at home. If you’re an accountant, your tie better communicate that. We’ve seen more and more people these days pull off a bowtie, which isn’t easy to do. But accountants, doctors, and professors can do it with panache. So unless you’re an abstract painter or web designer, your tie shouldn’t look like Jackson Pollack had his way with it.

Go with something that’s colorful, attractive and most of all, matching. Successful people dress tastefully. Unsuccessful people wear ties that have been handed down from an older brother while he was still in high school. When you shop for ties, keep in mind it will reflect you, your personality, and your profession.

The Difference Between Your Town and Asheville

Asheville is known as a liberal, laid-back business environment. “Asheville casual” is a look that may include jeans or khakis with a button-down shirt. But even in Asheville, you’ll find that some business meetings are formal occasions. Whether you wear a suit or just a shirt and tie, make your tie a bit more formal too. Power ties are just to show off, so unless you’re running the meeting, keep it simple.

Your tie should match your personality.

Your tie should match your personality.

Big cities often foster a more conservative business environment than Asheville, but that doesn’t mean businessmen wear suits all the time. Business meetings can still be casual, or more casual, especially in the summer months. Everyone appreciates a good tie, but remember what we said above: your tie will reflect you.

A Final Word of Warning

The line between complementary and outlandish can be a fine one. Ask yourself this as you’re getting dressed: Do you want people to remember you for your tie or for your sparkling conversation? Let your tie match your personality. A loud tie can make an extrovert entertaining, but it will make a shy, unproven writer seem like he’s trying too hard to be noticed.

Yes, Mark knows from experience. Now he leaves the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer tie for holiday parties and his Beatle ties for his friends and family events. You should too.

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