Online Content for Agencies
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Maybe your client has a great writer on staff to provide the high-quality content that search engines require. But that writer likely doesn’t understand the nuances of website content writing or the proper use of newsletters and blogs. When you rely on your client to provide the content, you set up yourself — and your project — for a host of complications, such as:
- Long content delays
- Inappropriate content
- Few if any calls to action
- Poor grammar or long-winded sentences
- Writing that doesn’t provide basic information
- Content that doesn’t engage readers
- One long advertisement
Get quality content for your clients.
What Web Developers Really Need
Even though your outstanding design may draw visitors to your client’s site, search engines don’t read graphics and photos, just the meta-tags. To ensure top ranking for your clients, you need online content in all its forms that’s:
- Original
- Authoritative
- Useful
- Verifiable
- Relevant
- Consistent
- Timely
- Engaging
- Grammatically correct
Michigan Tech’s University Marketing and Communications Program tells its students in website training classes:
“Quality content is the number one driver of search engine rankings. …
There’s no substitute for great content.
Quality content created specifically for an intended audience increases traffic,
which improves any site’s authority and relevance.”
The Benefits of Blogging
Adding new content to your clients’ websites on a consistent basis is a proven way to
boost your credibility as a web developer who cares about the success of the sites you design and build. One of the most popular ways of doing that, while maintaining a constant stream of income for your agency, is through the blog page you create for your clients.
Adding blog posts to a website offers a wider reach and more topics. An active blog allows your clients to provide tips and insider information, making the site a resource for visitors … and customers. According to WordPress, regular and frequent posts on a website boost audience involvement more quickly:
“Blogging regularly is still the single most important thing you can do
to increase your site’s SEO.”
A Hand-off May Result in a Fumble
Once you’ve completed a website project, your project managers and web developers often hand off the site to the client after a brief training period. If you expect your clients to take up blogging so they can succeed, you may be letting them down by being hands-off. If you’ve had difficulty getting the original copy from them for the website pages, you know the client isn’t going to blog on a regular basis.
Consider your clients’ monthly newsletter that they’ve asked you to put up on the website and deliver to their email list. This is another opportunity for your company to keep your hands on all the content related to your clients, reducing the chance they may find someone else to take care of their site for the long term.

Answers for Project Managers and Web Developers
Large web development agencies can afford to employ a team of professional writers and editors to fulfill the content writing duties for every project. Small web development agencies and solo freelance web developers have even fewer resources for content. So many agencies still rely on website content provided by clients. It’s a missed opportunity to both better the site and maintain a connection with the client.
And don’t forget about a second pair of eyes that’s ensures you get it right every time. Professional editing services improve the results no matter who writes the content. Ray Access encourages every agency to edit everything before publishing to avoid embarrassing mistakes.
The best decision for busy project managers and web developers is to hire professional marketing writers. At Ray Access, the process begins with an analysis of your client’s site or the architecture you propose. The user experience (UX) improves when you use a third-party expert not wrapped up in the day-to-day minutiae of creating a new site.
Ray Access can do it all for you!
When you take control of all the content your client requires, you increase your revenue stream, whether you write it yourself or add a percentage on the third-party services. You also ensure the client receives top-quality copy for web pages, blog posts, newsletters and even press releases.
The third-party ghostwriters at Ray Access are former journalists who know what questions to answer to develop quality website content. The advantages are many and include:
- The content is prepared by professional writers who understand what website visitors seek.
- You get the content when you need it; no delays!
- All copy goes through a rigorous two-step editing process.
- Your clients can review and approve the content.
- Your clients add their own names as authors of the content.
- A team of generalists and specialists can tackle any size project and any B2C topic.
As project managers and web developers, your best option for timely and accurate content involves outsourcing to a competent content marketing team. Your clients usually aren’t experienced website content writers and bloggers. Let your clients do what they do best, so you can focus on what you do best. As reported in Search Engine Journal (SEJ):
“Leave the writing to the professionals.”
Contact Ray Access for all your website content, blogging and newsletter writing needs. This professional writing/editing firm has experience working through project managers or web developers, but they also welcome direct introductions to your clients. They always deliver on time to meet your deadlines and avoid content delays. Your site architecture, design, keyword selections and deadlines form a top priority. Get website content that’s thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original for some of the most reasonable rates in the industry.