Online Content for Businesses
Whether you’re a local concern with a brick-and-mortar storefront or an internet service agency with a global reach, your customers are looking for you online. To get noticed, you need an internet presence that’s up-to-date and populated with relevant, quality content.
Effective online content — videos, photos, graphics and words — draws traffic and gets you noticed. Consumers often start their purchasing decisions with an internet search. They ask questions and gather information. If your website provides the answers they seek, your business builds trust. But your business needs a noticeable web presence.
Snooze and You Lose
No business can outrun the internet. According to Internet Live Stats, consumers are turning to the internet in record numbers for answers, guidance, best practices and information about their next purchase:
“Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average, which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.”
And the competition for internet traffic is intense. Google has created algorithms that measure how well your website answers specific questions. You increase the visibility of your website by hiring professional website writers who know what consumers —and search engines — look for. To turn visitors into customers, find writers who deliver what people are seeking.
For effective website writing ...
Hire Website Writers with Experience
Whether you’re an independent entrepreneur or a Fortune 500 company, you want a website that both attracts interested consumers and persuades them to buy from you. You spend a tidy sum with a web development agency to provide you with the flashy bells and whistles to make your website rock. But the proof is in the results. You’ll get great results if your site is filled with content that’s:
- Well-written
- Authoritative
- Timely
- Relevant
- Error-free
Once visitors find their way to your website, it’s your website’s job to build trust and convert those visitors into customers. If you’re seeing traffic but few sales, your website needs stronger content. Only writers experienced with search engine optimization (SEO) know how to give you targeted content that drives sales. Your website is supposed make you money, not cost you money.
One-Stop Writing Shop
Marketers may tell you that you need one writer to do your public relations, another to pen your weekly blog posts and yet another to fill the pages of your DIY website creation. In fact, the right third-party writing firm can do it all, framing each written piece of communication with the appropriate language.
Once you find a content provider who serves you well in one arena, find out if that same vendor can provide you with additional services. They already know you, your business, your budget restrictions and your preferences. Ray Access produces a full line of written products to fill every niche in your marketing strategy, including:
- A website assessment. The user experience (UX) on your website influences its success. Allow a team of internet experts to review your current or proposed website. A website assessment report describes how well your site flows, if it answers pertinent questions, if it provides easy-to-find information and if anything important is missing. Before you go any further, contact Ray Access for a website assessment.
- Website content. Online writing differs from other business writing, as online readers searching for information scan the content, instead of reading every word. Present information in easily digestible bullets points. Highlight sections with informative headers. The website writers at Ray Access know how to craft online pages so that they’re clear and useful to your visitors.
- Newsletters. Reach out directly to your email list every month. A newsletter is best written and designed by writers who are already familiar with your company. The Ray Access writers and editors use MailChimp to distribute your newsletters. The content of your newsletters can reuse your blog posts or share timely information and deals. Sign up for the Ray Access newsletter to see how we do it for ourselves.
- Press releases. The writing team at Ray Access comprises former journalists who know what the media looks for in a story. And since they already know you, your voice, your values and your business, the press release is an effective outlet to share big news.
- Professional editing. Ray Access recommends that you at least have someone proofread your writing before publishing it. While you know your business better than anyone, a professional editor ensures your copy flows well and is error-free. Even the most experienced writers rely on an editor, so don’t skip this piece for your website.
Discover the difference!
Website Writers Also Write Blogs
Blogging today is one of the most effective ways to market your business. A business blog reaches out to new audiences with a wider range of topics and keywords. According to Tony Messer in Entrepreneur,
“Your blog can be one of the most important marketing channels
you have at your fingertips. The most successful brands use their blogs
to drive traffic, increase conversions and build authority,
all crucial to the success of a brand. At the end of the day, blogging works.”
But you’ve got a business to run and may not have time to tend to a weekly blog. Your business blog isn’t something you can slap together. It’s an integral part of your marketing strategy. If you ignore your blog, you look ineffective, untrustworthy and lacking authority. Rely on professional website writers to ensure that your blog:
- Is consistent
- Is useful to your visitors
- Isn’t one big advertisement
- Isn’t boring or irrelevant
- Is well-written and engaging
- Makes use of great headlines
- Includes a visual component
Ray Access doesn’t just provide a one-color-fits-all service. It’s a multi-colored agency!
Beyond Website Creation
Ray Access provides content that gets your company noticed. All work is guaranteed original, thoroughly researched and professionally edited. Unlike most writing services, Ray Access has two principals in Linda Ray and Mark Bloom, so you get two for the price of one. Other advantages with Ray Access include:
- A free revision on every piece of online content, if requested
- Delivery on or before every deadline
- Content on any topic that can be researched online
- Approved tone and style to match your company’s personality
- SEO-friendly and keyword-compliant
- Affordable prices and package deals
- Additional services (SEO, photography, design, even website development), on request
An active website builds trust with your target market and search engines. When potential customers are ready to buy, your business name is at the front of their thoughts. That’s called top-of-mind awareness, and that’s what effective online content delivers. Ray Access energizes your website with just the right words that show your customers that you:
- Understand their needs
- Aren’t in business just to get their money
- Truly care about their needs
- Are the expert in your industry
- Have solutions to their problems
Competing in the crowded online market today requires professional copy that hits the mark every time. As reported by the Content Marketing Institute:
“Instead of pitching your products or services,
you’re providing truly relevant and useful content
to your prospects and customers to help them solve their issues.”

Get started now! Contact Ray Access for all your website content, blogging and newsletter writing needs. This professional writing/editing firm has experience working with entrepreneurs. They always deliver on time to meet your deadlines. Get website content that’s thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original for some of the most reasonable rates in the industry.