by Mark Bloom | Nov 22, 2016 | Content Provider
Protect Your Business Name & Your Reputation
If you’re a savvy business owner, you know the value of content marketing. Fresh, original content on your website — delivered consistently — can:
- Catch the attention of search engines
- Engage your customers
- Bring traffic to your website
- Deliver potential customers to your door
But while it’s true that content can help you grow your business, consider for a moment how it actually can save your business. The answer lies in the power of the written word. And the written word can protect your business name by sharing the best that your business can offer.
Online and Offline Marketing
Marketing on the Internet is inherently different than marketing in the “real” world. Out there, the saying that “any publicity, even bad publicity, is good for your business.” Any publicity in the real world is like free advertising, and even bad publicity can bring in new customers — people who want to see for themselves if the story was true or those who always side with the underdog.
But online, bad publicity is bad publicity. If someone leaves a bad review on any number of social media sites or review sites — like Google My Business or Yelp — it’s there for everyone to see. Fortunately, you still can protect your business name from that kind of publicity.
Content Saves the Day
Customer reviews definitely make a difference to your online reputation. A bad review can actually drive potential customers away. So you have to take steps to protect your company name online. There are two strategies for dealing with negative reviews. Both involve content.
The first strategy to protect your business name is through engagement. If someone writes a negative review, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. Engage the writer. Even if they’re wrong, offer to make it right. For the price of a free meal or a replacement widget, you can get an amazing public relations win. You don’t always have to offer something for free, but you should always respond to a bad review with genuine concern.
The second strategy is to bury the bad review with positive reviews. If your company is in the habit of encouraging reviews from your customers, you’ll get many more positive reviews than negative ones, assuming your business provides goods or services people want. You know you have satisfied customers; get them to write how they feel. The new positive reviews will push the bad review so far down the list that hardly anyone will see it.
Protect Your Business Name
Content isn’t just a one-way street in terms of communication. While it’s important to get your message out there and provide the kind of information your potential customers are looking for, don’t overlook the fact that your customers want to talk to you as well. Engage your customers — and potential customers — with quality content.
Having an online presence means being vigilant. The Internet is forcing businesses to expand their ideas of what customer relations mean. In today’s world, “your call is very important to us” rings hollow and false. Instead, use online content through blogs, blurbs and posts to engage your customer base, educate the public, seek feedback on how you’re doing, and yes, protect your business name.
If you can’t do it yourself, you can find reputable businesses to help you. Ray Access can provide the online content to protect your business name, but it’s not specifically a reputation management firm.
Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.
by Mark Bloom | Oct 31, 2016 | Website Content
Build Trust with Your Website Content Honestly
This Halloween, more children are going to be treated than tricked. Those costumed kids may shout, “Trick or treat!” from your front stoop, but you know there’s no trick, just plenty of treats. Candy. That’s what the holiday is all about.
In the virtual world of the Internet, people still want that kind of innocent simplicity. They expect it, just like the kids on your stoop expect candy. If you’re looking for information on how to make your own chocolate, for example, you don’t have the time or patience to sit through a commercial, you want the darn recipe. And yet many businesses still deliver ads instead of information. That’s a trick.
Treat, Don’t Trick
When your business builds trust through its website by delivering on a promise, visitors appreciate and remember that. It’s a simple thing to be honest with your online content, and it’s something Ray Access prides itself on. If your website has a page explaining how to make chocolate, visitors expect to see a simple recipe or even better, a video. If you can manage to present the information clearly, in a way that’s easily scannable, you’ve won some converts.
If, however, your website lapses into hyperbole or outright lying just to draw a crowd, it may enjoy an early surge of popularity, but eventually it has to fail. Don’t trick your visitors. While you may attract a small stream of new visitors, no one will ever return — kind of like the creepy house that gives out that hard candy from the 1940s. No one ever goes back for seconds.
Build Trust with Your Website
Your website is more than your online storefront; it’s the face of your company. You can use it to build a community loyal to you, or you can fill your pages with ads. Consider which site brings visitors back. When you build trust with your website, you connect with your visitors in an emotional way. A positive way. When you use your website to sell everything you can, you also spark an emotional reaction. A negative one.
Build trust with your website content, and you’ll get to sell your products or services because people do business with people and companies they genuinely like. And you get people to like you by being honest with them. Treat your website visitors; don’t trick them.
“Click-bait” has become the new irresistible Internet advertising scheme. And it seems to be everywhere. Click-bait is the headline that piques your interest enough to click on it. When you land on a click-bait page, however, you’re treated to a multi-page advertising engine that provides just enough enticing content — on average about 10 percent of the total page — to keep you clicking.
In other words, click-bait is a vehicle for ensnaring people browsing the Internet. But click-bait articles rarely deliver on the promises of their original headlines. Instead, it’s just a way to show you more ads.
Be a Halloween Favorite
If you don’t build trust with your website, you may be succumbing to click-bait mentality. Don’t be that guy, that girl or that company that gives out crappy candy on Halloween. Invest in candy people actually want, and they’ll come back.
It’s the exact same philosophy with your website. Don’t use click-bait headlines to draw in visitors. Deliver clear, consistent, honest information on your website. Visitors appreciate it; they’ll remember you because of it. When they need your product or service, they’ll return. And then, instead of asking for candy, they’ll be asking for your business.
Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.
by Mark Bloom | Sep 19, 2016 | Website Content
Revise Your Business Site to Improve Sales
September brings change. The kids go back to school. The long summer days cool to brisk autumn nights. If you’re anything like the writers at Ray Access, you get energized when fall returns every year. You may be past school age, but you still feel the charge in the air. It makes you want to start a new project, complete an old project and generally get caught up.
So tackle something that helps your business. The fall season is the perfect time to review your company website. The holiday rush is still months away. Your fourth quarter marketing plans will get a boost from a revamped website. And your business will charge into the New Year with renewed momentum.
Why You Need to Review Your Company Website
Website design is a lot like automobile design. You may not notice big changes year-to-year, but by the end of the decade, you can definitely pick out the 10-year-old car, and not just because of the accumulated dents. Website design changes happen even more frequently than automobile design. As a result, your five-year-old website might look like it was designed by someone driving an Edsel.
The design of your website makes a first impression on your visitors. An outdated design says, “I’m excited to have a website, and it’s only 2002!” If you don’t keep your website current, potential customers might think you don’t keep your company up-to-date. When no one wants to buy last year’s model, your website visitors may disappear with a click.
Look Beyond the Design
In addition to your website design, review your company website content. In fact, even if your design is still current, you should reread the content that graces your website pages. Is it effective? Has it generated leads and contacts? Ideally, that’s what your business website is supposed to do.
Yes, that’s what Ray Access does — provide website content and blog posts. But whether you hire a professional writer or do it in-house, you want your website to work for you, don’t you? You want an active site that:
- Engages your visitors
- Connects with potential customers
- Builds trust in your company
- Establishes your authority in your field
- Answers common questions
- Persuades visitors to contact you
- Turns visitors into loyal customers
If your website doesn’t accomplish these goals, than it’s a money pit rather than a moneymaker. In the world of online marketing for business, everything you do needs to pay for itself. Every ad campaign, every design change and every website investment has to have an ROI that makes it worthwhile. And no other investment pays off more than new content that reaches your audience.
Start Today
So review your company website. See it from an objective point of view. And then take action if it falls short of expectations. If you need help, Ray Access offers a service called a website assessment that reviews your website, page by page, from a visitor’s point-of-view experience. The experts at Ray Access can tell you what works on your site, what doesn’t work, and what opportunities you’re missing. Contact us today for your website assessment!
Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.
by Mark Bloom | Aug 1, 2016 | Content Provider
Content Writing Examples Show Our Diversity
Ray Access isn’t a fly-by-night company. It doesn’t farm its work out to writers in other countries in an effort to save a buck. It doesn’t employ drunken college students to pump out words on a page. The writers and editors at Ray Access are professionals whose native language is English. As a result, the website content, blog posts and press releases delivered are always of the highest quality.
Producing online content is a serious business for clients. You want your website to generate leads through content marketing, and that only happens when the words are targeted to a specific audience and are strong enough to inspire action. But don’t just assume that’s the truth when you’re looking for content writing examples; do your research.
Content Writing Examples
The founders of Ray Access write most of the content the company produces and review everything to maintain the quality that’s resulted in a stellar reputation. And while that reputation means everything, you should demand content writing examples before hiring anyone. You can get an inkling of the Ray Access quality in our latest projects by visiting the Portfolio page.
But that page can’t contain the vast assortment of work that the writers of Ray Access have produced. You’d need a database to see the enormous variety of content writing examples available. And you can’t just do a Google search for “Ray Access,” since, as ghostwriters, they don’t take credit for the work. Once it’s paid for, you own it and can put your own name on it.
Website Content Writing Examples
In addition to the websites listed on the Portfolio page, Ray Access has a long history of proven success. Websites must connect with their audiences, generate trust and convert visitors into customers. It’s a tall order. To see how well Ray Access achieves these goals, check out the diverse website pages below. In each case, Ray Access provided only the content, not the design or development of the site:
Blog Writing Samples
Blog posts need to attract attention. The job of every blog post is to draw visitors to your website. The goal of every blog post is to go viral. Of course, that doesn’t happen all the time, but the Ray Access philosophy includes: answering questions for visitors, building website content over time and delivering engaging stories that highlight your business.
Besides the 10 content writing examples listed on the Portfolio page, listed below are links to many more that show the diversity and effectiveness of Ray Access blog writers and editors. You don’t have to read them all. Pick one that interests you and then pick another you don’t think would interest you. You’ll find you enjoy reading each one (and likely learn something new):
It’s this diversity — being able to write on a variety of topics with authority and panache — that’s the trademark of Ray Access. It’s what sets these writers and editors apart from other content providers. They can write about any industry and any topic for any audience, as long as they can find reliable sources for research.
That’s the value you get by hiring a former reporter and a former technical editor. Little runs across the desk of Ray Access that doesn’t perk their collective interest. So while you may think your industry isn’t “sexy,” great writers and editors can make your story sing in harmony to a really sexy tune. To find out how Ray Access can help you market your company, contact us today.
Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.
by Mark Bloom | May 31, 2016 | Content Provider
And When to Hire a Professional Agency for It
Let’s face it, large companies have their own in-house writing teams, most likely as part of their marketing departments. So these corporate businesses almost always create their own content in-house. That leaves:
- Small businesses (including start-ups and solopreneurs) and
- Mid-sized businesses who may or may not have a writer on staff
So the decision to hire a professional agency often comes down to need and timing. But there’s more to writing online content than that. The goal of this article is to educate business owners on the demands of online content — what that content has to do — so you can better determine when you can write it yourself or whether you need to call in a pro.
Writing Blog Posts for Your Business
Why do businesses blog? No matter what your business, potential customers are going to have questions about it. Blogs work over time to build brand awareness, educate your customers and drive traffic to your website. The most successful business blogs are published consistently — week after week, every other week or at the very least once a month. The best blog posts are engaging, informative and entertaining.
If you have writers in-house who can deliver consistently good quality blog posts, then use those writers and give them free rein to experiment with topics and keywords. If you don’t have a writer you can trust (or any writers), that’s the time to hire a professional agency. Creating blog posts, which are usually 500–1,000 words in length, takes talent, but these writing projects don’t cost that much. So, as soon as you can comfortably afford even $150 a month (for biweekly posts), hire a professional agency like Ray Access.
Writing Business Website Content
Now that every business (and nearly every individual!) has a website, yours has to find a way to stand out. Unless you have absolutely no competition — for example, you’re the only plumber in town or you’ve invented the best mousetrap — you need exceptional content on your website. Unlike a blog, your website has to:
- Connect with your target audience
- Identify who your target audience is
- Generate trust in your business
- Establish your authority in your field
- Convert visitors into customers
This is a tall order for any writer. You can write your website content yourself or hand the task to an in-house writer whose background is English papers, technical documents or marketing fluff, but the results may not accomplish the bullet points above. And accomplishing all five is what you need. Anything less means lost revenue.
Hire a Professional Agency
Website content is arguably the most important piece of your website. It drives home your message. It explains your business. It sells your products or services. Unless you’re a bare-bones start-up, budget for website content like you budget for website development. If you spend $5000 for a website, do not think that $500 worth of content will make your website an effective lead generation tool.
Ray Access has expert writers and editors who can deliver website content that produces leads and converts visitors. Ray Access has many success stories from customers. In fact, one of our clients recently wrote: “Every time I get a call from a client who says, ‘I found you on the Web,’ I like you guys more and more.” That’s the reason you should hire a professional agency to write your website content.
Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.
by Elle Ray | May 22, 2016 | Content Provider
“Shadow Writers” Explain What They Do
Recently, we attended a networking function where we found ourselves talking with a small group about our business, Ray Access. It happens. We mentioned that we don’t request or require a byline on anything we write for our clients. That’s not why we write. Both Mark and Linda have had their fair share of public acclaim; they don’t need attributions any longer.
In fact, we refer to our role as “ghostwriters,” since we feel it’s an accurate description of what we do. When we write, we stay in the background and remain anonymous. Whatever we compose — whether it’s website content, a blog post or a press release — our clients always get the credit for it. Always.
More Than Ghostwriters
Since the group seemed interested in how we managed to ghostwrite for other businesses, we explained that we write in our clients’ voices as much as possible. Sometimes, that means writing without contractions or using the first person or adding a touch of humor. With all our clients, we strive to strike a note that sounds like something they would actually say.
Then someone familiar with our work chimed in: “I think you’re more like a shadow than a ghost,” she said. “A shadow is faceless, but it’s still a part of you. A ghost may be faceless, but it isn’t real.”
Resonating Loudly
Writing for businesses is an art that takes practice and refinement to hit its mark. When you use the written word as a marketing tool, you need that copy to sing. Your company website needs to touch visitors with your own voice, reflecting your company’s distinctive perspective. Your words need to clearly establish your unique value position and represent you clearly.
Too often, writers tend to create copy that seems to say everything, but never in a way that connects with your audience. And since your website is often the very first contact potential customers have with you, it’s critical that your writing clearly capture your mission and your ideas. It has to resonate with your visitors. It has to read as if you were talking personally to each and every person who reads it.
The Ghost vs. The Shadow
Some say the ghost is the fearful one — it’s an unknown phenomenon, an other-worldly spirit. It can only be malevolent. To others, the shadow evokes more terror. It’s a dark, scary figure from the deepest recesses of your imagination, lurking just beyond the edge of sight. If you find yourself in an old house or a cemetery at night, both can be terrifying.
On the other hand, there’s Casper the Friendly Ghost. A ghost may be nothing more than a trick of the light, an electrical discharge. Who can say? Shadows also may be nothing to fear. Some people love to dance and twirl through the sunshine with their shadows following close behind. You can be lost without a shadow. Just ask Peter Pan.
We Choose the Shadow
The real-world difference between the two is more concrete than either a ghost or a shadow is on its own. When it comes to describing Ray Access, “ghostwriters” is the more common phrase. It has come to mean “writing anonymously for someone else.” But “shadow writers” is the term that better reflects the essence of what we do for our clients. Shadow writers combine the best aspects of “job shadowing” with the elemental basics of “ghostwriting.”
So until another, more striking comparison reveals itself to us, we at Ray Access choose to be called “shadow writers.” In the corporate world, we’ll still answer if someone is seeking ghostwriters, but now you know that we plan to straddle the line between stalker and friend. When we write for you, we become your shadow, acting as if we are an extension of your consciousness — your very voice, if you will.
We’ll ask how professional or how casual you want to come across. We’ll learn about your company, your vision and your mission. We’ll listen for your voice. We’ll research all about your customers: what they like, what they want, and what they value. We’ll copy your vernacular and your attitude toward your business. We hope to be so much like you that your readers cannot tell the difference between you and your shadow writers.
The brighter the light you shine on your story, the longer your shadow plays to its intended audience. To learn more about how Ray Access accomplishes its shadow writing, and how your company can benefit from it, contact us.
Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.