Ray Access Privacy Policy
When We Collect Information
The Ray Access website address is: rayaccess.com.
At Ray Access, we may request your private information for specific reasons, but we guard it to the best of our abilities. Protecting your privacy, whether you’re a current client or a potential client, is as important to us as meeting our deadlines. Protecting your privacy is part of our mission, our purpose. Any information that we obtain from you will never be sold, shared or given out to any other party without your express permission. This includes:
- Your name
- Your company name
- Your title
- Your address
- Your phone number
- Your email address
- Individual website usage statistics
- Your written or verbal communications with us
We never ask you for such critically private information as your social security number, driver’s license number or date of birth. We also never ask you for your credit card information. All payments for our services are processed through the safeguards and security of PayPal or a bank check.
Regarding payments, we don’t discuss with other clients the price agreements that we’ve made with you or your company. For example, if we extended a favorable pricing discount to you because of the amount of work you sent us, that agreement remains confidential. If, as an agency, you add on a service fee to your clients for the content you hire us to do, that’s between you and your client and is never revealed by Ray Access.
Use of Industry Encryption Standards
When you provide Ray Access with information about yourself — when you sign up for our free monthly newsletter, <Link to https://rayaccess.com/newsletter/> for example — that information is stored safely using the encryption technologies of our newsletter service (MailChimp) and abides by their privacy policy. All other client information, including project-related materials, is stored on-site in our secure office locations on password-protected devices and equipment.
Ray Access employs the latest industry standards to protect your private information, including:
- SSL. Our use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is evident in our URL. You always see the “https” at the beginning of our website address. Ray Access installed this encryption technology in 2018, in advance of Google’s deadline for compliance. SSL protects you by encrypting your two-way communications with our website server, keeping your access to our website pages private.
- Cookies. A cookie is a small text file that’s downloaded onto your computer from a website. Cookies aren’t malicious; they simply help make your experience on the website more personalized. Cookies record how you interact with the website and allow the site to remember you. RayAccess.com employs this industry-standard practice. You may opt out of accepting cookies when you first visit our website. You can also clear cookies from your device whenever you wish.
Ray Access is not responsible for cookies used by third-party websites to which we may provide links. Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites have their own privacy policies, which you must accept when you go to their websites. Please consult their privacy policies for more information.
A sample Ray Access newsletter

Updates to Our Privacy Policy
As we find new ways to enhance your experience on the Ray Access website, we reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy. Updates will represent our current practices, and our Privacy Policy may change to reflect advances in our technologies and services. You are encouraged to periodically review this page.
Last Updated: May 27, 2020