Content for Accounting & Financial Firms
Accountants Need Specialized Content to Connect with Clients
Accountants, financial planners, bookkeepers and money management firms face an enormous amount of competition. Whether you serve commercial enterprises or work with individuals and families, you need website content for accountants that provides your clients with topical, targeted information and advice. And that level of service also keeps you ahead of your competitors.
By providing online information to your clients and potential customers, your website content — as specialized for accountants and financial planners — keeps your clients more informed as it builds trust in your expertise. Website content for accountants makes a difference to your client base and to your continued business growth by delivering:
- In-depth explanations of the services you provide, why your clients need them and how they fit into a complete financial plan
- Insight into market fluctuations and how your customers can take advantage of changes
- Advice for advanced financial planning to relieve your clients of excessive tax burdens
- Explorations of current financial trends and what consumers need to know to separate the truth from the rumors
- Useful tools for business and personal financial planning
- Easy-to-find contact information
- Background information about your years of experience, your training, your education and the number and levels of your certifications
- Highlights of your specialties and how you bring them to bear for your clients’ financial health
- Thoughtful examinations of tax law changes, new regulatory and reporting requirements and how best to navigate changing financial climates
Build trust with topical, accurate content
“As of January 2020, there were 4.54 billion internet users across the world,
representing a penetration rate of 59% of the global population.” — We Are Social
Who’s Searching for Accountants Online?
Out of the eight billion people on the planet, more than five billion use a mobile phone. In the U.S., the internet is the primary way to find information for consumers of all ages, socio-economic levels and business affiliations.
In 2018, Google reported that consumers looking for financial advice over their mobile phones with searches that started with “Should I …” grew more than 65 percent over the previous two years. Those searches included the phrases: “Should I invest in …?” and “What should I invest in?” According to Google:
“Over half of online investors
don’t even have a brand in mind
when they start looking, …
[and] 86% of potential investors
spend more than an hour researching online.”
Google’s research found that more than half of those people searching for online information about their finances still prefer to meet in person to open an account, hire an accountant or consult a financial planner. So while chemistry and your personal style may seal the deal, you’ll never get the chance to meet new clients without a web presence that includes stellar website content for accountants and financial advisors.

Website Content for Accountants Requirements
Financial professionals need to tread a line between technical information and easy-to-digest data. Your messages must provide sufficient knowledge so consumers can make decisions and trust your competency. You must explain the material in terms that anyone can understand. At the same time, you don’t want to be condescending or overly analytical.
Finding that balance requires a team of writing experts who know the industry and can translate technical jargon seamlessly to attract all levels of investors and business owners. The writers and editors at Ray Access bring a wealth of financial experience to bear to do exactly that for your firm. With that expertise comes the intelligence and confidence to deliver website content for accountants and financial professionals that covers all the bases, including:
- A clear focus on your brand, which includes your business identity, professional expertise and style while supporting the mission and goals of your clients
- Content that’s easy to read and uncomplicated, but provides insightful and useful information without jargon or technical financial terms
- Accurate content that’s free of errors, as nothing makes your firm look more unprofessional than grammar or spelling mistakes
- Thoroughly researched content from reliable sources
- Engaging and interesting content that’s fresh and entirely unique
- Expert-tested navigation through a professional website assessment that provides the best user experience (UX), ensuring your site is easy to navigate, all links work properly and your site loads promptly
- All the necessary information clearly displayed, such as contact information, location and sufficient calls to action
- Descriptions of all the products and services you provide, as well as in-depth reports of your background and certifications
- Search engine optimization (SEO) with appropriate use of keywords, so that clients and potential clients searching for website content for accountants and financial managers can find you
- The ability to be useful and readable across all devices and mediums, including social media and regular newsletters
Rely on writers who do the research
Featured Project
Website Content
for a TOP NYC Accounting Firm
When you choose Ray Access, you get fresh content that’s thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original. Useful information on your site increases your ROI by 20 to 80 percent. Let Ray Access write your next website!
Final Notes
Since you can’t always display the names and practices of your clients due to regulatory requirements, you need to find other ways to instill a sense of confidence in those potential clients who find you online. In addition to practical website content, reach your target market with:
- Regular blog posts
- Email newsletters
- Articles in industry publications
- Press releases
Use a professional website design and development company to create a site that delivers all the SEO, video and graphics you need to draw in visitors. Then rely on the expert team of financial content writers at Ray Access to produce the website content for accountants and financial pros that turns those visitors into clients for your firm.
Accounting and financial services websites need to explain what you offer in terms your audience understands. Simplicity and clarity are the benefits of hiring Ray Access.