Content for Retail and ecommerce
It takes expert writers to persuade customers to buy from you
Face it — shopping is moving online at such a rapid pace that it’s putting brick-and-mortar stores out of business. It’s now a matter of life and death for your ecommerce company to get compelling content for your retail website.
And if you have a brick-and-mortar establishment, you need a dominant online presence with a modern website. It not only establishes your brand; it’s crucial for bringing customers into your store. Before most people even head out the door, they’ve looked at the various options online for the products they need. If your website doesn’t clearly list your products — or worse, visitors don’t trust your website — no one will buy from you.
Retail Clients
Articles & Web Pages
Improve your online retail sales!
There are certain facts that must be included on every website — clearly visible, easily accessed and notably prominent. Retail websites must include, at a minimum, the name of your company, your phone number, your address, other forms of contact and your hours of operation.
Minimum Content for Retail Websites
You’d be surprised how many retail websites miss the basic content for business websites. It’s understandable if you created your own site to save money. You’re not a website developer; you have other duties, like running your business. You may have created a website just because you’ve been told you need one.
At Ray Access, we encourage brick-and-mortar retail establishments to create a website with minimal content, especially if you don’t have an online store. But those few pages must be accurate and complete. To ensure you’ve got the basics covered, invest a very small amount in a website assessment. The ROI can be considerable!

Maximum Results with Professional Content for Retail Websites
When you’re ready to take advantage of all the opportunities offered through the internet for retail sales, it’s even more critical that your website:
- Engages visitors
- Displays your products well
- Provides clear descriptions of your products
- Is easily navigated
- Sufficiently covers all aspects of your business and your offerings
- Describes your values and your mission
- Introduces you to visitors
Your website design and development must follow a clear marketing strategy from its initial creative design to the effective content for retail websites that converts visitors to customers. Content marketing for retail operations follows basic tenets of online search engine optimization (SEO) marketing strategies that include:
- Keywords that get you on Page One of search engines
- Clear descriptions of all photos (because search engines don’t read pictures and graphics)
- Calls to action strategically placed on every page
- Contact information clearly displayed on every page
- Long-form content (800+ words) on most pages
- Regular updates through weekly blogs or new product descriptions
- Social media engagement tied to your site
- Quality content that’s well-written, informative and engaging

Get and Stay on Track
Shopping carts, secure payment and all the bells and whistles of e-commerce are easier than ever to build. If you have the time and a little bit of tech savvy, you can create a usable website on your own. Or draw on the wealth of website development talent in your local community for professional-grade sites.
But it’s not going to be enough. Whether you use a website development agency for top-shelf SEO and breathtaking graphics, or rely on a DYI platform to get started, there’s absolutely no room to compromise when it comes to the content for retail websites. It’s the written words, after all, that close every deal.
See the difference quality content makes
With more than 12 years’ experience writing for a variety of retail websites, the team at Ray Access knows how to please the search engines and your paying customers — and the best time to call is before you even start building your site.
Ray Access Is Ready
A website for a new business or a retail website revamped to better serve your online market needs the best content. Ray Access writers and editors provide the guidance you and your web development team need to create the most effective sales presentation. In addition to succinct, error-free writing, the professionals at Ray Access ensure that your e-commerce site and your content for retail websites is:
- Detailed. Customers want to know more than just the color of an item. They’re interested in materials used, where it’s made, how much it weighs, how to care for it and so much more.
- Properly linked. Each item should link to a shopping cart, contact form and other products that go with the item. Internal links keep customers on your website longer, which adds to your SEO value … and your sales.
- Free of technical jargon. Abbreviations and slang may be well known to your loyal customers, but if you want to build new business, you must elaborate clearly when describing your offerings.
- Clear from the beginning. Visitors won’t read an entire page or sift through countless photos with little or no explanation. You must state right upfront who you are, what you do and most importantly, what you can do for your customers.
- Paired with appropriate graphics. Online shoppers often appreciate short videos as well as explanatory copy. Provide both.
- Filled with testimonials. Online shoppers look for reviews. Get positive reviews and testimonials from your customers and slip them in throughout your website.
- Carefully crafted with bullets and subheads. Online shoppers don’t read so much as they scan. Bold subheads, short paragraphs and scannable bullet point lists are just a few of the ways that you make it easier and more enjoyable for visitors to stay on your website and shop at your store.
The professional writers and editors at Ray Access can provide content for retail websites that drives business to your store, increases your online sales and builds a loyal following. To get customers to come back to your site again and again, you need the expertise and skill of polished online writers.