
Why Being Disorganized Causes Stress

The stress of disorganization starts with a messy desk

There have been studies that suggest that a clear desk indicates a clear mind. If you have a clear mind, so the theory goes, you’re more productive because you spend more time working and less time looking for necessary notes, papers or data. A clear desk eliminates the stress of disorganization, which is true for business owners, web developers, project managers and content creators.

Disorganization can take many forms, in addition to a cluttered desk. In fact, the number one reason for being or feeling disorganized pertains to time management. If you’re wasting time, you’re not productive. If you’re not focused, you’re potentially doing things that aren’t the best use of your time. Other ways of adding to the stress of disorganization, even if you don’t realize it, include:

  • Procrastinating
  • Putting too many tasks on your to-do list
  • Doing other things until your deadline looms
  • Not prioritizing your time and your to-do list
  • Waiting for the perfect moment or the right mood to strike
  • Getting caught up in less important tasks
  • Waiting for others to complete their tasks before you start yours
  • Not planning ahead, so if an emergency hits, you’re unprepared
  • Using too many scraps of paper for your notes that are always in danger of being misplaced
  • Mixing up project-related notes with personal notes
  • Being distracted by your phone, the birds outside your window, anything
  • Allowing yourself to be interrupted while you’re working

How the Stress of Disorganization Emerges

Whether you’re a web developer or a project manager, clutter on your desk and clutter in your mind create stress because you always feel like you’re on uneven footing. When you know exactly what you need to do, you’re likely to stay focused and engaged. According to Psychology Today, disorganization causes stress because:

  • Visual clutter overloads your senses and distracts you from your task at hand.
  • Your brain needs “white space” or blank areas to help it focus and solve problems. Too much disorganization, and you can’t cogitate properly.
  • A messy desk makes it seem that you have more things to do than you actually have.
  • A disorganized area creates a sense of anxiety in your mind.
  • You may feel guilty about not have a cleaner space.

A messy area promotes the stress of disorganization

The best way to become more productive is to organize your desk, your mind and your time. When you know where everything is, it’s a good sign that you know what you need to do. When your mind is calm and relaxed, you’re more likely to be quicker to solve problems and think creatively. You can’t do that when you’re confronted by the mind-blowing stress of disorganization.

Overcoming Disorganization

But there are things you can do as a web developer or business owner to get organized and allow your mind to become sharper. Avoiding clutter helps clear your mind and changes the way you approach your job. If you want to succeed — in your project and your peace of mind — these steps are worth the conscious investment of your time and energy.

To defuse the mind-blowing stress of disorganization, you must take steps to organize your workspace and your work habits. Some tips include:

  • Get a smaller desk. You won’t be able to put as many things on it, forcing yourself to reorganize your mess.
  • Put aside time at the end of each day to organize your desk. Make sure everything is in its place. The time you spend each evening is way less than you’d spend doing a major cleanup.
  • Either keep a central notebook with all your notes or go completely electronic. Either way, you’re more likely to know where important information is and how to get to it when you need it.
  • Ask for help when you need it. Chances are, you’re not alone in your office or in your business. Make it a team effort to be more organized.
  • Always put things back where they belong after you’re finished with them. Once you’ve cleaned up your space, keep it clean and well organized.
  • Create project files to keep related documents, designs and notes all together.
  • Use neurolinguistic programming (NLP) to de-stress.
  • Regardless what else you do, give your brain some space to decompress. Close your eyes for a minute or two before starting work. Take frequent breaks to keep it fresh and give your mind a breather.

Remember that stress is the enemy of productivity. Fight back against the mind-blowing stress of disorganization to reach your highest potential. The online world of business is often stressful enough; don’t add to it with a disorganized desk or office. When web developers, project managers and business owners want to succeed, they clear their desks and their minds. Prepare to engage!

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