
The Times They Are A-Changin’

Thank You, Bob Dylan, for Giving Us the Words

Bob Dylan knows SEO

Like many writers, we know we can always count on Bob Dylan lyrics to illustrate a point. These words, originally penned in the early 1960s, are truer now than ever before, but we’re not speaking of political turmoil. We’re speaking of technology and search engine optimization. Is it a stretch? We don’t think so, and we’ve allotted ourselves 500 or so words to persuade you, too.

Here’s the Situation

The Internet has changed the way we find information, products and services. Instead of the Yellow Pages, we turn on a connected device. Instead of the dictionary, we visit a dictionary website. Instead of a catalog, we search online.

Yet how that process works — entering a phrase or question into a search engine — also changes all the time. Ostensibly, the search engines want to serve you the sites that most likely will answer your question, but it’s often not an easy question to answer, no matter how many 1s and 0s you use.

As a result, the Internet has gone through several changes, as search engines look for the best algorithm to deliver the answers you want. Then you have the tech savvy developers who fudge the system with keywords, backlinks and paid ads. The past few years have seen this tug of war reach epic proportions.

On top of all that are the changing stylistic preferences of the public’s changing tastes. They want drop-down menus, menus down the side, fewer words, more words, sidebars, no sidebars, lots of photos or one good video. If you tried to keep up, you spent a lot of money.

And the point is this: What can you make of the mess that the Internet has become? If you have a business website, how can you stay on the first page of results when the formula the search engine uses to determine what’s “relevant” keeps changing?

It’s a serious question that deserves a serious answer. Luckily, you don’t have to rely on a search engine for this answer. You have Ray Access.

Ray Access can assess your website

Assess Your Website

If you haven’t updated your website in the past five years, you may not be taken seriously. It’s no longer enough just to have a website; you need an active site. You need to provide useful information to your audience. To get their business, you have to first attract their attention and then hold it with the answers they are searching for.

Keywords matter, but not as much as having information people want. Readability — subheadings and lists that make the content easy to scan — matters too, but only if you have information people want. Let Ray Access give you a website assessment to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your current site.

Obviously, if the information on your website is out of date, no one will return, even if they happen upon your site. Your website is your Yellow Pages entry, your storefront and your company reputation, all wrapped up in a pretty package. If you’re not attracting visitors to your website, it might be time for a facelift. Or at least a remodeling with new content. If you need help, ask us for some affordable guidance.

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.

SEO Tips from the Front Lines

Ray Access and Search Engine Optimization

First, let us state that we are not in the SEO business. Our core business, however — writing blog posts, press releases, and especially website copy — can directly effect a website’s page rank. The problem for many online marketing professionals, SEO firms included, is that Google continues to tweak its algorithms for what it values … and what it punishes.

Past SEO Practices

It used to be that you could load up on backlinks — essentially, links back to your site from other sites, reputable or not — and enjoy a high page rank. No more. So here are some SEO tips. As CopyPress.com recommends, “create a compelling site (i.e., engaging content)” and “use social platforms to increase [your] visibility organically.”

sharing SEO insights

At Ray Access, we see the new paradigm as a positive development. What is SEO after all except the process of positioning truly useful websites at the top of applicable search results? Google wants you to use its search engine, and so it works hard (too hard, say some) to deliver useful results every time.

Creating a Compelling Site

Again, advice from CopyPress.com, so you know it’s not just us making things up:

With so much content created everyday online, it’s not enough for a company to mass-produce dull copy and then push it heavily on every social site with a heavy paid social campaign. If you’re satisfied with a quick spike in your social traffic that will disappear as soon as your budget does, then by all means you should continue.”

Indeed, as we’ve been saying since Day 1, quality content will eventually win the SEO wars. Quality content attracts both search engines and potential customers. Quality content — without tricks or hidden costs — increases your website’s page rank organically.

Increasing Your Visibility

How does quality content do all that? People online often want answers. If you can deliver those answers in your particular field, people will find you, learn to trust you, and share your content. Yes, Virginia, quality content has “shareability,” and it’s a trait every business wants.

“Shareability” means that your content can go viral. It increases your reach on social media outlets as well as in search engine results. “Shareability,” in other words, increases your website’s visibility. And it all starts with quality content.

To learn more about how your company can benefit from the kind of quality content that we develop at Ray Access, contact us. We’re always happy to discuss our passion: clear communication.

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.