
A Website Content Assessment Can Tell You

How do you know if your business website is effective? The proof is often right in front of you. If you keep tabs on the flow of traffic coming into your website and the numbers keep going up, it’s doing well. If potential clients are contacting you through your website or mentioning your website in emails to you, you’re doing something right.

What's on your website content assessment report?

When your website persuades visitors to contact you, that’s a win. After all, the ultimate goal of any business website is to:

  • Attract attention
  • Educate visitors
  • Generate leads
  • Make sales

But what does it mean if your website isn’t doing any of that? How do you know what’s wrong? How can you determine what steps to take? Our answer: get a professional website content assessment.

Many Factors to Success

A website can be a single page or hundreds of pages. It can include e-commerce, videos and links to other resources. Websites involve complex source code, design elements, graphics, content, navigation aids and other factors that contribute to the success or failure of your site. What do you look at first?

A website content assessment, as performed by Ray Access, examines everything but the code, page by page. It’s a visitor’s view of what’s on your website: what some call the “UX” or user experience. It’s an examination of what works — and what doesn’t — on your site. Our website content assessment takes into account:

  • How welcoming your site is, including an overview of the design elements
  • Whether you answer common questions about your company and about your industry
  • If the language of your website connects and engages visitors
  • How easy it is to find basic information, such as your address or office hours
  • If your contact information is prominently displayed
  • Whether visitors easily can navigate to find the page that interests them most
  • How well the graphical elements work with the content
  • If your site is complete in and of itself (i.e., nothing is missing)

A Thorough Report

Know your content works with a website content assessmentIn the end, a website content assessment from Ray Access is chock-full of useful information about your site. It gives you not only a sense of how effective your website is, but also an idea of where to start to address any shortcomings. The report, which can be 10 pages long, depending on the size of your website, is extensive and thorough. Because it also highlights what’s currently working on your website, the report instills a desire to fix the problems, not obsess over the failures.

Ray Access makes this an affordable standalone service. We’ll do it for you as a starting point for your redevelopment effort or as a check-in after your site’s been live for several years. There are many ways to use the website content assessment report and just as many valid times to order one. While we’re often hired to assess a dysfunctional website, we’ve assessed our share of excellent sites as well. It’s never all bad news.

This Is Not a Sales Pitch

At Ray Access, we really try not to use our weekly blogs strictly for self-promotion. At the same time, we’d be remiss if we didn’t offer our services — especially for those who don’t have the time, resources or know-how to do it yourself. In our blog, we offer small business advice, writing tips, content marketing news, among other topics.

These are areas in which we excel. We provide our thoughts and expert advice freely, week after week, for you to use in your own business. We share our secrets so you can prosper. But if you feel you can’t or don’t have the time to do it yourself, then sure, we’re here if you need us.

In this case, we believe it’s a valid question to ask whether your website is working for you. The answers may lead you to question what you need to do to fix it. Don’t feel pushed to hire Ray Access to do a website content assessment for you. But if your site is dysfunctional, consider the advice in this blog and do something about it, with or without Ray Access.

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.