
Our Blog

Biweekly insights, tips and commentary for business owners, website developers, web designers and SEO firms.

The Difference Between a Web Page and a Landing Page

Why Writing Landing Pages Is Inherently Harder Given that a search engine can theoretically serve up any properly keyworded page for the right query, how can there be a difference between a web page and a landing page? Isn't every page a landing page, since anyone can...

Kick It Up a Notch

5 Steps to Take When Your Enthusiasm Wanes If you're like many small business owners, you were full of enthusiasm and spirited motivation when you first started your business. If you weren't, it never would have taken off, much less soared into the stratosphere — or...

The Definition of Fake News

A Nonpolitical Look at Language and Learning Fake news is apparently everywhere. On television. In print. Online. You can't help but trip over it every day, no matter where you get your news. It has invaded our culture and perverted our political system. At Ray...

The Difference Between a Blog and a Web Page

What You Need to Know When Website Writing Most people understand the distinctions between a novel and a biography. They know how a newspaper article and a love letter differ. They can tell a business memo from a shopping list. But few can offer up a definition that...

Blog Consistently for Best Results

A Business Blogger Has to Write Every Week This blog post is the 225th published on this website. As a business blogger, Ray Access has been blogging every week — with few interruptions — since the first blog post went live back on August 28, 2012 (nearly six years...

The Different Uses — and Forms — of Professional Bios

What You Should Include When You Write a Bio In business and journalism lingo, a bio is short for biography. One of the reasons it's short is because it's not a book, nor is it a resume or a lengthy history. At the same time, when you write a bio, there are a number...

Why We Value Quality Content

Because Delivering Quality Content Is Effective You have many choices when it comes to developing online content. You can write it yourself, you can get a staff member to write it or you can hire a professional. If you hire someone, you're going to see broad ranges in...

More on the Work/Life Balance

Put Some Life in Your Work/Life Balance Sometimes, a word, phrase or concept can get so overused and worn-out that you cringe when you hear it, even when it's pretty cool and even more useful. Consider, for example: Have a good day Fake news Mind/body connection...

Why Does a Website Cost So Much?

It's Just Ones and Zeros, Right? What's So Hard? Website cost seems to have skyrocketed recently. You used to be able to pay your nephew or your neighbor's kid $100 to build and publish a website on the internet that looked decent. What's so hard about that? There are...

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