
A Business Blogger Has to Write Every Week

This blog post is the 225th published on this website. As a business blogger, Ray Access has been blogging every week — with few interruptions — since the first blog post went live back on August 28, 2012 (nearly six years ago!). For 225 times, we’ve found something to write about. And every week, we wrote something we felt was worth sharing with other writers, entrepreneurs and website developers.

A business blogger writes consistently

The point isn’t to toot our own horn, although 225 blog posts is something to celebrate. The point is to stress that the key to a successful website is a consistent blog. And for almost the whole time we’ve been blogging for ourselves, we’ve also ably performed as a business blogger for our clients (see some of our examples). They understand the value of consistent blogging.

Consistency Draws Attention

Just as with social media, you develop name recognition — the first step in the sales process — with consistent postings. If you’re on social media once a month, no one will remember you. But if you’re there every day, your audience eventually recognizes your name.

The same is true for business blogging. If you publish a blog post once a month or even less frequently than that, no one will know or care who you are. You’d have to get lucky enough to write a viral article, which is very, very difficult to do. But if you blog — and promote your work — every week, week in and week out, people will come to recognize you and your business. They may even look forward to your words.

Quality Always Counts

But if you’re publishing useless advice or tips that everyone already knows, your readers will come to recognize your name and learn to stay away. Even if you publish consistently, you’ll be building a reputation, but one you won’t want. A business blogger has to add value to the online conversation with every post.

Part of the puzzle is knowing your audience. Only then can you write about topics of interest. Only then can you deliver insight and value to your community. No one online has time to wade through boring preambles or irrelevant facts. If you can write well about your business or industry, you can make a name for yourself, a reputation that attracts an audience. Writing quality always matters.

A business blogger aims for better quality

How to Be a Business Blogger

Ray Access has been blogging for long enough to have picked up some tips to share with you. To blog consistently for six years, you need several tools beyond a website platform:

  • Develop business blogging ideas. Coming up with a new topic every week can be a challenge. Ray Access has the advantage of a superb partnership that shares this burden equally. We also use the two-headed approach to brainstorm blog topics for our clients. You either have to devote time to it or call in a professional.
  • Use a clear or entertaining voice. How you relate to your audience helps you stand out from the crowd. If you’re consistently clear and thorough, that makes you a dependable source. If you’re funny or entertaining, that makes you worth a visit. Whichever voice you choose, be consistent.
  • Learn how to tell a good story. All good nonfiction writing has to inform. While that’s true with every type of writing, it’s especially true with business blogging. A business blog has to engage its readers and hold them until the end. That’s easier to do when you have a story to unfold.
  • Promote your blog wherever you can. A business blogger has to reach out to his audience. Bring your blog post to them. Make it easy to find your words. When you take the time to promote your blog, you widen your audience and attract new visitors. In fact, that should be the goal of your blog.
  • Be consistent. You don’t get to 225 blog posts without being consistent. You don’t get to be successful without consistency. Rain or shine, whether you’re feeling inspired or not, make your blog a priority, and it will catapult you and your company into an enviable online entity.

If you can’t do blog writing, hire someone who can — someone like, you guessed it, the business blogger pros at Ray Access.

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.