
Trump This! Headlines That Grab Attention

How to Get Your Blog Posts Noticed Online

There’s no trick to writing good quality content. Find a suitable subject, do your research and then write clear, engaging copy. If it’s shareable information, people will appreciate it. But only if they can find it. And that’s where you need to pull out all the stops.

The trick to gaining attention for your blog posts is to develop a headline that will get noticed. At Ray Access, we practice what we preach. The headline for this article, for example, uses a specific word that’s been in the news a lot lately: trump. Sure, this article has nothing to do with Donald Trump, the 2016 presidential candidate, but it may appear in many searches organically. It’s one way to get your blog posts noticed.

This article is not about Donald Trump

This article is not about Donald Trump

Your Headlines Get Your Blog Posts Noticed

Writing headlines is an art that all bloggers need to master. No matter how good your writing, no matter how important your message, if no one can find your blog, no one will read it. Headlines that grab attention not only get your blog posts noticed, but also entice people to read them. A good headline is a home run, to use a sports metaphor (which also might garner some organic search results).

The headline to this article taps into current events, which is only one strategy. You can also use keywords that people are searching for. Online tools exist to help you find the “hot” keyword searches. For example, check out merriam-webster.com for daily trending keywords. And remember the “evergreen” topics and buzzwords that people search for all the time. Keywords in your headlines get your blog posts noticed!

Your Headline Must Not Deceive

When you’ve found the perfect headline, make sure it explains what your article is about. While enticing people to read is the goal, if you deceive your readers, promising something you don’t deliver in the body of your article, you will lose credibility. Maybe forever.

As long as you can tie the headline into the subject of your article, you can get away with it. Refer to the headline for this article again, for example. Yes, it uses the word “trump.” Yes, it may come up on organic searches for people looking for information about Donald Trump, the presidential candidate, but it doesn’t deceive anyone about what it’s about. Only people interested in this topic will read it.

Your Headline Has to Grab Attention

It’s often not enough just to include the keyword or keyword phrase you want to target in your headline. The entire headline has to grab attention. The Internet is awash in information. Every website is fighting for attention in an era when attention spans are shrinking. Yours has to stand out enough to grab the eye and encourage a click.

Get get your blog posts noticed

A good headline attracts eyes from everywhere.

Writing headlines is a learned skill, one that improves the more you do it. So practice. Give your next blog post a headline that grabs attention, like this one does. It doesn’t have to be perfect, so don’t spend hours on it. But it has to be good enough, so do put some effort into it. Keep at it, and you’ll learn to get better. If you produce online content, you should want to get your blog posts noticed. You should want your words to be read. An attention-grabbing headline will trump your competition and get your words noticed.

Ray Access is a content marketing firm that delivers targeted words to empower your business. Contact us about your specific project to receive a quote or discuss your needs. We write website copy, blog posts, e-newsletters and more. Everything we do is thoroughly researched, professionally edited and guaranteed original.